About Us

Founded in 2011
Mrs. Mullen is licensed by the Texas State Board of Examiners for Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology , under the Texas Department of State Health Services (license #105667) She also holds the Certificate of Clinical Competence from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association.
Years of experience.
Mrs. Mullen has over 18 years’ experience in public schools evaluating and providing therapy for children preschool through high school who are experiencing speech and language difficulties. In addition, she worked for 7 years in a pediatric hospital with children birth through 18, with a wide variety and speech, hearing, and language disorders.
Areas of Specialty at KM Speech Therapy
Articulation / Phonology
This is the ability to say the sounds of speech correctly, such as saying ‘r’, ‘s’, ‘k,’ ‘g’, for example. Children who have delayed development in this area may not be understood easily by their listeners. This can get frustrating for everybody! Sometimes children with poor phonological development talk fast, making the problem worse.
Language Development
Children with delayed language development may have difficulty formulating sentences to express their wants and needs, and questioning/commenting on the world around them. In the case of the late talker, perhaps the child isn’t saying much at all. Receptive language may be affected, so that the child is not understanding what is said to him/her, or processing messages efficiently. Children with hearing loss, autism, and developmental disabilities need extra help developing their communication skills.
Speech-Language Link With Literacy Development
Children who have difficulties with articulation and/or language development may have more difficulty learning to read and write. This is because both skills rely on some of the same underlying abilities. We at KM Speech Therapy have a great deal of experience working with these skills in children. They include such skills as vocabulary development, phonological awareness, auditory memory, and others.
Stuttering or Stuttering-Like Speech
There is a great deal that can be done for children who are stuttering (sometimes called stammering). Stuttering-like speech may not be true stuttering. Consultation with a speech-language pathologist who has special expertise in the area of stuttering can determine whether or not this is true stuttering, and give important information to the family and support for the child. It is important to intervene as soon as you suspect that there may be stuttering. Other helpful information for parents can be found at stutteringhelp.org
OTHER NEEDS: Some of the other speech difficulties we treat include selective
mutism and voice disorders.
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9717 Bitterroot Drive, Little Elm, 75068